Did you know that you increase your chances of bug and insect infestation by 80% when you grow a garden? And we all know what comes with these bugs and insects- itch, allergies, and even serious diseases!
Thing is, all kinds of bugs and insects are naturally attracted to rich soil, healthy vegetables, sweet fruits, fragrant flowers, crispy wood... which you all have in your garden.
However, not just because they love your garden doesn’t mean that you can’t control them. There are lots of ways on how you can avoid the 7 most harmful garden bugs. And mind you, some of them only take a few minutes to do!
- Blister Beetle or American Oil Beetle
Regular beetles could be scary at times. But that is nothing compared to the danger that Blister Beetles pose. These kinds of beetle release a chemical called cantharidin that can immediately cause blisters and irritation to human skin.
While these skin ailments can heal like a regular wound, they can be sore and painful.
How to avoid Blister Beetle or American Oil Beetle:
To avoid Blister Beetle infestation, add a generous amount of diatomaceous earth and oyster ground oyster lime shells around your plants. These two organic materials naturally repel Blister Beetles.
However, if you don't have time to create an organic insect repellent, an ultrasonic insect repeller can do the job. These repellers drive away insects of any kinds and sizes through confusing their nervous system.
- Assassin Bug
While assassin bugs can benefit your garden since they feed on flies, caterpillars, and other bugs that feed on your plants, they can actually be dangerous for you.
The feces of assassin bugs contain parasites that can cause serious infections when consumed. They can even be fatal. Aside from this, they release a chemical toxin that can irritate the skin when threatened.
How to avoid Assassin Bug:
You can let assassin bugs stay in your garden because they have benefits to your plants. However, you should prevent them from getting into your house.
To do so, you should make sure that the areas around your doors and windows are free from any fallen leaves since that's where they usually hide. You should also seal any gaps on your doors and windows.
A study from the Centers for Diseases Control (CDC) also cited that synthetic pyrethroid sprays can be effective in repelling assassin bugs.

- Black Widow Spider
The Black Widow Spider is one of the most dangerous breeds of spiders, so much so that they feed on other spiders and small birds. When threatened, the Black Widow Spider releases poison that can cause nausea, vomiting, and extreme body pain that may even feel like a stroke.
How to avoid Black Widow Spider:
A Black Widow Spider is naturally repelled to strong scents. Place an air diffuser with eucalyptus, peppermint, and tea tree oil scents in the wooden area around your houses, such as the attic and basement, as the Black Widow Spider love staying on wooden crawlspaces.
If you have woodpiles or mulches in your garden, you can try spraying a mixture of vinegar and water to them to kill Black Widow Spider.
- Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes remain one of the most dangerous garden bugs since they bring malaria and dengue, both fatal. Mosquitoes are naturally attracted to flowers, but it is the vegetable garden beds that breed mosquitoes since they mostly hold water.
How to avoid Mosquitoes:
Unlike other garden insects, some mosquitoes can resist the effects of organic repellant solutions mainly because of their size and ability to fly. This is why it’s best to use more direct mosquito solutions such as mosquito repellant fans.
Aside from these fans, you should make it a habit to change the water or clean your gutters, fountains, and other areas of your house that may hold water since they are the breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
If you have to deal with a large number of mosquitoes which can be pretty hard to clean when they die, an ultrasonic pest repeller could be good. They just drive away mosquitoes instead of killing them. Thus, reducing the need for cleaning!
- Africanized Bees
While regular bees are essential to pollination, Africanized Bees can pose a danger to gardeners. They are hybrid insects used to attack people in swarms- even if you run for a mile. One sting of an Africanized Bee can cause skin inflammation, numbness, nausea, vomiting, and even diarrhea.
How to avoid Africanized Bees:
To avoid having a nest of Africanized Bees in your garden, you should not leave big flower pots, tires, and patio grills unattended.
You should also make your house bee-proof by sealing all holes, cracks, or small openings where the bees can get inside.
Unfortunately, if there's already a nest of Africanized Bees in your area, it's best to call a professional since removing them can be 75% more dangerous than regular beehives.

- Flies
Almost every household has flies, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not dangerous. They can spread fatal diseases like Cholera, Conjunctivitis, Dysentery, Tuberculosis, and Typhoid Fever.
The most effective compost ingredients such as manure and decaying vegetables are the top materials that attract flies, making your garden the best nest for them.
How to avoid Flies:
Just like we’ve mentioned a while ago, it’s almost impossible to make flies leave your garden. The best thing you can do is to bugproof your house.
You can start that by making sure that the doors and windows to your garden are always closed. Seal all the gaps, holes, and other areas where they can pass through. If you’re living in the countryside, it’s best to have a bug zapper in every area of your house, especially in your kitchen and dining area.
You can also try creating homemade solutions such as vinegar and dish soap and cayenne pepper and water. Spray them all over the place where there are most flies.
- Ticks
Ticks are best known for causing itchiness, small wounds, and allergies. But they can also spread dangerous diseases such as Lyme Disease, Colorado Tick Fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Ehrlichiosis.
Wild animals, birds, and even our pets can carry ticks that may fall into your garden. Dense vegetable areas and large weeds can also be a good breeding ground for ticks, especially during Spring.
How to avoid Ticks:
To lessen the ticks in your garden, make sure that all weeds and grasses are trimmed. It's also best to prune your plants and shrubs regularly since ticks love dark and shadowy areas.
Avoid getting your woodpile wet, too. The moisture in the wood greatly attracts ticks. As much as possible, use or dispose of damp timbers or store them in a clean and dry area.
It’s also best to avoid stray animals in your garden. If you have pets, proper grooming and a regular bathing routine are also essential in preventing the spread of ticks.
These 7 most harmful garden bugs can be life-threatening. This is why you really must go the extra mile in keeping your garden and house clean. Always remember- prevention is better than cure!